Your dedications
Samantha S. Aaron Mills - Secret Conspirancy (Lian July Remix) This song is dedicated to my dear dad, I love you! 😘 Jennifer S. Chemical Brothers - Galvanize (Remix) 🙀😜 I love your music! Please play my song for this afternoon Mark Daft Punk - One More Time 😎 Time to Party! Thanks for the great music!
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PUNX Up The Volume Every Thursday 15:00 (ET) On JR.FM GuestMix Radio

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Thursday 3:00 pm 4:00 pm

Number 1 hits, global headline tours, gold and doubleplatinum awards for highly acclaimed releases are all partand parcel of the life of André Tegeler – aka MOGUAI –having established himself as one of the most trailblazingelectronic producers of his generation. Over the course of awildly successful career so far, his amazing talent and acombination of pioneering endeavors in the studio,spellbinding DJ sets and live shows have given MOGUAIdeserved worldwide fame and recognition. From this animmensely devoted and diverse global fan base has arisen,ever eager to experience what this dance music legend hasin store as he looks to break the mould that is the commonperception of electro artists in his always-unique fashion.Since beginning his career during his youth in his nativeGermany, MOGUAI has worked outside the parameters thatare often set around other artists.His two highly acclaimed artist albums, ‘We Are Lyve’ (2010)and ‘Mpire’ (2012), both came out on megastar andinternational tastemaker deadmau5’s own mau5trap imprintand MOGUAI became the only artist outside of deadmau5himself and Skrillex to bring out a full-length album on thelabel, such is the regard he is held in by his peers and keyindustry players. A multitude of singles came alongside andaround these LPs on mau5trap and other heavyweightdance labels including world leader Spinnin’ and house iconSteve Angello’s Size to name just a couple. All coming at thesame time as extensive headline tours to all four corners ofthe globe and prime festival slots including the likes ofTomorrowland and Berlin’s Love Parade where he had acrowd of 750,000 people all moving to his beat!Add to the mix an abundance of high profile collaborationswith the biggest and best from all parts of the music worldand it’s clear to see the respect and admiration for MOGUAIthat his fellow electronic artists hold for him. Fatboy Slim,Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash and Tiësto are just ahandful of the heavyweights that have looked to him to helpcreate something magical for the world to listen to. Hisbiggest hit to date and arguably the biggest dance track of2013 – ‘Mammoth’ – with Belgian brothers Dimitri Vegas &Like Mike, took off at the beginning of that year following 6months of intense hype and anticipation from fans due to itsinclusion in the Tomorrowland 2012 after movie. Afterspending weeks at #1 on the Beatport chart – holding firmover dance music’s busiest period of Miami Music Week –and thousands of sales, the rewards and awardsdeservedly rolled in. Over 50 million views on YouTube, over 5 million SoundCloud plays, a Beatport Gold Award for unitssold and ‘Track Of The Year’ at the 2013 Beatport Awards –the list goes on!On top of this he is continually in demand to deliver his evermiraculoustechnical touch to remixes for a host of A-listsuperstars; Moby, Afrojack, Britney Spears, Underworld andBeyonce and many more have received hisastounding re-imaginings. All executed with unwaveringprofessionalism, technical ability and intuitive flair, it’s nosurprise at all that requests for more keep coming.MOGUAI’s coming-of-age occurred through the 90’s andearly 00’s after a period immersed in his homeland’s ravescene and taking in the sonic delights from elsewhere in thecountry and around Europe, departing from DJ duties atwarehouse parties and the like into the studio and in 2002he brought out his first massive hit ‘U Know Y’ along with anew direction epitomized by his then-new imprint PUNX;firmly planting him on the dance music map. New life hasnow been breathed into PUNX with a relaunch that signalshis intent to both unshackle himself from the confines of anincreasingly saturated electro-house scene at the sametime as providing likeminded artists with a platform fromwhich they can do the same, with own productions such as‘PunkOmat’ and ‘When I Rock’ leading the charge from thefront.No task is impossible for MOGUAI and he still finds timeevery week to host his show ‘Rocker’ on one of Germany’stwo biggest radio stations, 1LIVE, which is listened to by anincredible 3.5 – 4 million people per day. For 10 years he hasbeen ahead of the curve, bringing the freshest and bestmusic to his homeland and is joined each episode by theabsolute pinnacle of studio guests including Tiësto, DavidGuetta, Avicii, Calvin Harris and many more. Hisbroadcasting doesn’t stop there either, as he also puts outthe weekly ‘PUNX UP T HE VOLUME’ podcast online viaiTunes, SoundCloud and on syndicated radio stationsaround the world! A plethora of new works and journeys are on the horizonfor MOGUAI, not least a follow up to ‘Mammoth’ with Dimitriand Mike, which one can only assume will emulate – if notsurpass – the accolades of the original leviathan. Followinga 3 month North America tour, he will be taking on theEuropean festival season in his usual hard-hitting mannerbefore further globetrotting sonic excursions. Collaborationswith the likes of TST and Benny Benassi, plus a realigningwith mau5trap for exciting new releases offer the musicaldiversity that this maestro thrives on and add to that morebarrier-breaking material through the PUNX imprint, andthen it’s evident that MOGUAI has set himself up for anotherastronomical year.


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